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Let's talk about your medicines

Add a pharmacist to your team !

What's in a name?

Where did we come up with the name Transforming Chronic Care? What we know is that we can fix things, like broken bones, and bad cuts and wounds, as well as virtually eradicate diseases such as small pox and polio. We have not done well at PREVENTING things like heart attacks and strokes and the long term complications of diabetes. Our health care professionals are smart and dedicated but our system has failed us. Most primary care providers are so busy taking care of the really sick folks that there is no room for anything else. Part of the answer is teamwork and that means you and the rest of your team work together for winning the game of health. There is a position on your team for a pharmacist. My web site should explain what I can do to help you.

Medication Reviews

Confused? Know what you are taking and what to expect.

Chronic Conditions

Diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol control, are conditions that require self management training. We can help.

Nutritional Supplements

Condition specific supplement plans

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